I’m finally getting around to posting materials from the Business Objects Insight User Conference in Berlin, 21-23 May 2007.
You can find my photos from the event here — mainly from the main stage, including the inxight purchase announcement and keynotes by John Schwarz, Bernard Liautaud, and the climber Reinhold Messner.
I did a presentation on the “five fatal flaws of BI projects” — you can get a ppt version of the slides here. I try and keep text on slides to a minimum, so they may be a little hard to follow, but there’s some basic comments in the “notes” section and I covered the same material in a previous post. When I have time, I hope to develop the themes into more complete blog postings…
As usual, any comments and feedback very welcome — as one person mentioned in their review: “It’s real-life-stuff 🙁 It’s exactly how it works in my company”…