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Let’s try not to drive off that cliff, please?
Remember, this is probably going to be the COLDEST summer for the rest of your life… look forward to this, every year from now on…
People keep trying to avoid making radical choices when it comes to sustainability. But we’ve run out of time. It’s down to either radical change right now, or even more radical change later…
Avoid greenwashing! How can you make sure your sustainability numbers are real? SAP can help!
But at least corporate profits are up!

Congratulations, world, in 2024 the world just blew past the average 1.5 degrees C goal for the end of the century.

Are companies investing in sustainability, or PR?

All these greenwashing claims are making me see red!

Experts say that the 1.5 degrees C climate target is “deader than a doornail” (and 2024 already spiked higher) 😭