Other Cartoons

This page is just a place to put cartoons that don’t fit under the other categories (often when I’m annoyed about something!)…

Please feel free to use these cartoons in your presentations, university courses, books etc, for free, as long as you drop me at line to let me know what you have planned (telliott at timoelliott dot com),

Top cartoon page here, including links to analytics cartoons,  more analytics cartoons, yet more analytics cartoons and artificial intelligence cartoons,  marketing cartoonssocial cartoonsinnovation cartoons, sustainability cartoons, work frustration cartoons, other cartoons.

Getting meta…

a meta cartoon!

Want to be agile? Make sure you’re not being pulled in every direction!

Do your computer systems need simplifying?! Maybe you only need to keep what “sparks joy“!

Effective computer security, the ultimate protection from notPetya, meltdown, and spectre?

When it comes to security, some organizations are old school!

A castle with moat and sharks showing high security

This may be a little close to the bone. But it would be nice to keep certain types of bad people out of organizations. Could predictive HR help?

Cartoon of a cocky male executive and an HR system that predicts his bad behavior

Modern bargaining (brexit, tariffs, etc)

Watch out! here comes the intelligent enterprise!

Bad actions should have bad consequences!

Cartoon from 2017. Narrow escape (so far?)

Blunt scissors, thankfully…

Eventually, results count more than promises… you can’t escape data.

Cartoon Eventually, results count more than promises... you can't escape data.

It really seems like people go out of their way to make travel as pointlessly miserable as possible…

Airport design teams making it more miserable to get to your plane, so they can sell you more stuff

cartoon of an airport design team trying to make it as miserable as possible to get to your plane

When you get “busy” at work!

Cartoon of a man saying he would love to help, but he's too busy making cartoons

Bad news: events in politics are outpacing satire. Good news: events in science and technology are outpacing fiction.

Bad news: events in politics are outpacing satire. Good news: events in science and technology are outpacing fiction.

The Miriam-Webster word of the year was ‘authentic’—so in order to celebrate ironically, I let AI create this image for me:

The word of the year is Authentic -- so I decided to illustrate it with something phony

Here’s one of the biggest dangers in the corporate world today:

Procurement is hard — there are so many different tradeoffs… the good news is that AI can help:

He died doing what he loved…

A dramatic shot of French democracy in action

Will France unravel?

The debate… (between normal and unhinged)

Some outrageous racist falsehoods are harder to “swallow” than others!

Just in case the wheels are falling off your corporate bus, I have the image for you: