Category: Uncategorized

  • Insight 07 Bernard Liautaud Keynote

    Insight 07 Bernard Liautaud Keynote

    It’s the Business Objects Insight 07 User Conference in Orlando. Bernard Liautaud’s keynote covered the future of “full-spectrum Business Intelligence”, including the launches of Crystal Reports 2008 and the new BusinessObjects Polestar products. (Photos and presentation…)

  • Insight 07 John Schwarz Keynote

    Insight 07 John Schwarz Keynote

    At the Business Objects Insight 07 User Conference this morning, John Schwarz presented the importance of Performance Excellence across the organization, illustrated with examples from AT&T, Columbia Valley Health, and Disneyland Paris. (Photos and presentation…)

  • SAP Business Objects Press Conference

    Slides and Q&A from the SAP/Business Objects web cast

  • SAP and Business Objects

    SAP and Business Objects

    It hasn’t always been easy to access data from SAP systems: the Business Objects acquisition will help… (cartoon)

  • So: it’s SAP, for $6.8bn!

    After years of rumors, the news is finally here: it’s SAP for 4.8 billion euros. This will be the biggest acquisition SAP has ever done, and the biggest in the BI industry — but in a twist, it’s almost as if Business Objects is acquiring OutlookSoft and Pilot… (more…)

  • Microsoft Launches Impressive New Suite… of BI Cliches?

    Yesterday, Microsoft launched PerformancePoint Server 2007 using an impressively dense array of well-worn BI clichés, presumably confident that many of their potential purchasers had never heard any of them before. (more…)

  • Oracle Buys Cartesis!

    Oracle Buys Cartesis!

    Market consolidation reaches absurd new heights! According to this DM Review article by David O’Connell of Nucleus Research, Oracle recently purchased Cartesis?! Despite the obvious data quality issue, the article does talk about some key BI truths (more… )

  • Who Really Wants Predictive Analytics?

    The value of predictive analytics is obvious: who wants to “drive looking out of the rear view mirror”? But in practice, predictive analytics hasn’t been widely implemented. What might change in the future? (more…)

  • Data Quality and The Art of Despair?

    Courtesy of the site, Dr. E.L. Kersten uses a mailing list debacle to illustrate his Demotivators© organizational storytelling techniques. (more…)

  • Compare Yourself To a Hedge Fund Manager!

    Compare Yourself To a Hedge Fund Manager!

    Top hedge fund managers made over $657M last year. Use this handy calculator to work out how long it took them to make more than you do all year — the time to brush their teeth? Take a shower? Commute?