Innovation Evangelism
The Intelligent Enterprise, by Analogy
By analogy with autonomous electric cars, what are the capabilities and benefits of intelligent enterprises?
Three Ways To Implement AI For Business
What’s the easiest way to get started with Artificial Intelligence in the enterprise?
A New Dawn for The Intelligent Enterprise?
How can you get more from your existing infrastructure investments? New technologies are providing organizations with big new opportunities to leverage that investment, to optimize current business processes and to transform future business opportunities.
Predictive Is The Next Step In Analytics Maturity? It’s More Complicated Than That!
The traditional analytics maturity curve obscures some big differences between traditional analytics and more advanced use of predictive analytics and machine learning projects. Here’s a framework that helps make your next steps to analytic maturity clearer.
Monetizing Data In New Ways By Applying The Lessons Of Digital Business
My interview at the Data Innovation Summit, Sweden, May 2018
New Virtual Virtual Reality Solutions
German researchers create a new virtual environment designed to let users try on virtual reality headsets.
Data Is The New Oil? Yes: Toxic If Mishandled!
As quite a few companies have found out — data is indeed like oil: when spilled, creates a need for a toxic cleanup!
From Business Intelligence to Prescriptive Analytics: What’s Next?
Is prescriptive analytics a step beyond predictive analytics?
Gartner Data & Analytics London Day Two (Tweet Edition)
Tweets from Day 2 of Gartner Data & Analytics London, 2018
Gartner Data & Analytics London Day One
Summary of the Gartner Data and Analytics Conference day one – updated over time!