Tag: AI
One Click Innovation: More Magic Needed
The power of artificial intelligence is showing us what the prescriptive future of computer systems should look like.
The Start of a New Golden Age for Mid-Size Businesses
I believe it’s the start of a new golden decade of opportunity for midsize businesses — here’s why…
Top 10 Analytics Trends for 2019
The top ten trends for analytics in 2019 by Innovation Evangelist Timo Elliott
Machine Learning in the Enterprise: Amazing or Slightly Scary?
The answers to some common questions about the upsides and potential downsides of machine learning in the enterprise.
Why artificial intelligence will make work more human
What does the rise of artificial intelligence mean for the world of work? Ultimately, more jobs and more interesting jobs — but there will be challenges.
Artificial Intelligence: the Good News and the Bad News!
The good news is that AI can help find inefficiencies… The bad news is you may be one of them!
How to Explain AI to Your Boss? (Cartoon)
What can AI do better than your boss?
The IoT Show: Analytics, AI, Machine learning, Business and Manufacturing Insights
I had the honor of taking part in an episode of the IoT show, on the topic of how analytics, AI, and machine learning can help provide more insights into business and manufacturing. Here are some of the key questions and answers.
Building The Self-Optimizing Cities of the Future
What if cities automatically improved over time as people used city services?
Three Ways To Implement AI For Business
What’s the easiest way to get started with Artificial Intelligence in the enterprise?