Tag: Analytics
BI for Baby: Dashboards to Track Your Child’s KPIs (And The Rest of Us)
You can now track a slew of key performance indicators for your baby — how long before this becomes part of our own daily lives?
OLAP is Dead (Long Live Analytics)
OLAP’s days are over — long live the term “analytics”
SAP’s Gravity Prototype: Business Collaboration Using Google Wave
SAP Research’s new Gravity Prototype gives a glimpse of the collaboration-enabled business future. Using Google Wave, participants can easily model new business workflows in near-real time.
Drink Dispenser Analytics: Coca-Cola Goes Freestyle, With Help from SAP BI
Coca-Cola has introduced a new RFID-enabled drink dispenser that serves over 100 flavors and wirelessly beams information to an SAP BW datawarehouse in Atlanta, ready for advanced analytics.
BusinessObjects is The Best Thing About SAP Business Suite 7?
As I’m sure everybody knows by now, SAP launched Business Suite 7 last week. Despite skepticism about some of the claims made for the new suite, analysts declared that the inclusion of BusinessObjects analytics into the suite was a big part of its appeal.