Tag: Oracle

  • The Battle of The Database Elephants

    The Battle of The Database Elephants

    Database rock star Michael Stonebraker says “main memory database systems are going to completely take over… among the elephants there’s going to be a duke it out between Oracle and SAP”

  • Marketing People in Glass Houses Shouldn’t Throw Stones

    InformationWeek Executive Editor Doug Henschen takes Oracle to task for having the gall to criticize his article about Microsoft’s new in-memory solution while being less than candid about their own in-memory solution: Oracle Spotlights Its Database Memory Gap. The result of Oracle’s action is an article that explains in detail the gap between Oracle’s marketing…

  • OLAP is Dead (Long Live Analytics)

    OLAP is Dead (Long Live Analytics)

    OLAP’s days are over — long live the term “analytics”

  • Who Cares About BI and Performance Management Market Share?

    IDC recently released several reports on business analytics market shares, including business intelligence and performance management. Should anybody other than the vendors care? Why?

  • Oracle Buys Cartesis!

    Oracle Buys Cartesis!

    Market consolidation reaches absurd new heights! According to this DM Review article by David O’Connell of Nucleus Research, Oracle recently purchased Cartesis?! Despite the obvious data quality issue, the article does talk about some key BI truths (more… )

  • The Case for Independent Business Intelligence

    The Case for Independent Business Intelligence

    The time is ripe to discuss the future of independent BI, after the purchase of Hyperion by Oracle and continued speculation on the future of the remaining vendors. Will there be a “domino effect”? A commentary in Business Week sums up the “domino effect” opinion (more prevalent among financial analysts than industry analysts) that the deal…

  • Oracle Support Doesn’t Use BI?

    One interesting aspect in Oracle’s lawsuit against SAP is how they apparently noticed that something was wrong: Intelligent Enterprise: “Ultimately, Oracle caught on to the unusual volume of requests…. Oracle says an investigation into huge traffic spikes on its Customer Connection servers…” Oracle’s complaint document: “In late November 2006, there occurred unusually heavy download activity…

  • Oracle Buys Hyperion

    After the months (years?) of consolidation rumors, finally something happened…. Thoughts: Less change than you might expect It doesn’t change the BI market share picture much, based on the latest IDC numbers, from 2005 (2006 figures presumably due out soon, not expecting any huge changes in the relative positions). Hyperion is currently #5, and Oracle…