Will Business Objects Still be at Gartner BI Europe?

Of course! Just remember to look under "SAP".

Gartner will be hosting their European BI Summit in the Hague in the Netherlands this year from January 20-22.

The theme of the conference is "The Big Discrepancy", which is all about the fact that European BI Summit costs twice as much as the US one — around $4350 (with tax) compared to $2095 for the BI Summit in Washington in March (the official reply so far: "I have nothing to do with that").

Just kidding. It’s actually about: The BIg Discrepancy: Strategic BI, but no BI Strategy, and Andy Bitterer will be kicking off the main keynote at 9:15 on Tuesday, 20 January:

Andreas Bitterer"Gartner clients have described business intelligence as their number 1 strategic technology priority for a number of years by now, as shown by the yearly results of the Executive Programs CIO survey. However, when asked about their individual approach to this highly strategic initiative, an average of 90-95% respondents admit to not having any BI strategy. This presentation attempts a root cause analysis for this discrepancy and highlights a few measures on how to overcome the gaps."

You can get a sneak preview of the theme in a web seminar delivered by Nigel Rayner — but Andy’s presentation is bound to include a lot more photos.

The full portfolio of SAP’s business intelligence products will be presented in the "solution showcase," and Donald MacCormick and I will be presenting a solution provider session called:  "Innovation and Standardization: The Yin and Yang of BI"

Tuesday, 20 January 2009

Speakers: Timo Elliott, Donald MacCormick
Location: Mississippi
Session Type: Solution Provider Session

"Does the movement of BI into mainstream infrastructure mean the end of innovation? Not so argue Timo and Donald, standardization will be the springboard from which the next generation of innovation is launched. In their presentation they will talk about the future of BI and show some of the latest developments pushing the boundaries"

Sadly, it’s only a 30 min session, so there will be lots we won’t have time to talk about — but Donald is also on the vendor panel, and we’ll be around if anybody has any questions.

AND we’ll be organizing as many networking drinks and dinners as we can — drop me a line if you’re going to be there!: telliott@timoelliott.com, or http://twitter.com/timoelliott


