Last weekend I created the cartoon above but realized that the caption I had planned wasn’t particularly funny. So instead I posted it to twitter and proposed a caption competition. The result was a wonderful outpouring of analytic creativity, and I thank everyone who took part (links below–follow them on Twitter!).
Humor is in the eye of the beholder, but I hereby declare the results of the competition below (Don’t like my choices? Or think you can do better? Comment below!)
The Winners
DJ Adams @qmacro : “I asked the finance department for a breakdown of the figures and look what they gave me” Link
Josh Greenbaum @josheac: “Okay, who dropped the pi and didn’t clean up?” Link
Frank Scavo @fscavo: “This is not what I meant when I asked for a data dump!” Link
Special prize for creative quantity
“The answer is clearly 100,000 but we’re not sure if it’s dollars, yen, or bitcoins” Link
“The answer’s right there in the numbers” Link
“Now that we have in-memory technology cubes are out and triangles in” Link
“This is the little data pile produced by Hadoop extracting from the big data” Link
Special prize for snark 
“What do you mean I could sort it out myself with Lumira? Do you job properly and deliver some real end-user BI” Link
Additional entries
Decisions, decisions…
- Mike Urbonas @mikeurbonas : “This is NOT what I meant when I said “We’ve got to make our numbers”! Link
- Mahmoud A. Haleem @mahmoudahmed77 : “How can I take decision with that? Put it in a context!” Link
- Tammy Powlas @tpowlas : “Not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted.”-Einstein Link
- Ray Rivera@rayjrivera : “The numbers clearly show there is room for two at the top.” Link
It’s a mess…
- Sarah Goodall?@SarahGoodall: “I expected sales to deliver their numbers…not quite like this” Link
- Brenton O’Callaghan @callaghan001 : “Right you lot – who’s been materialising their aggregates again!!: Link
- Yves de Montcheuil @ydemontcheuil : “Who spilled that Sudoku all over?” Link
- Steve Rumsby @steverumsby : “I can’t sign off the accounts until you figure out where these go…” Link
- Todd Belcher @toddmetrics : “Has anyone seen my other 9? It was here a minute ago.” Link
- Che Analytics! @curtispokrant: “Where is the $ ?? Now it’s just a pile of numbers. Link
- Runali Ghosh @RunaliG : “Most summarized data for highest management level” Link
- Mani Gill @manigill : “the #’s don’t lie” Link
Kinda geeky…
- CarlJDubois @CarlJDubois : “I just tripped over this square root, broke it into pieces of its square, and sprained my ankle. Who left it here?” Link
- James Ruotolo @jdruotolo : “Honey! Our source system went on the carpet again!” Link
- Gary Boyle @gaz_boyle : “New version of countdown, using all these numbers, make them equal 937” Link
- Vijay Vijayasankar @vijayasankarv : “now imagine if we were to deal with 1 and 0 alone” Link
Piles and Pyramids:
- Sylvia Santelli @sylviasant : “My pile of data is bigger then your pile of data, and neither of us know what to do with it. ;)” Link
- Stannie Holt @stannieholt : “When I asked about our “Big Data,” this is not what I meant!” Link
- Mahmoud A. Haleem @mahmoudahmed77 : “my data is as old as a pyramid 🙂
#realtime” Link -
tarik parkar @tarik_parkar : “pyramid cube data warehouse: Link
Finally, my own meager efforts:
- “I’m not going to take you seriously unless you first clean up this messy data!”
- “What do you want me to do with this?! It’s completely unstructured!”
- “Maybe these missing numbers were the reason our Super Bowl prediction sucked”?
- “What do you mean by ‘Hadoop droppings’?!”
One response to “Analytics Cartoon Caption Contest”
This is not the secret code to building a pyramid, because there are no hieroglyphs! drmrs 2/27/2014