Timo Elliott is a Global Innovation Evangelist for SAP. He works closely with leading-edge organizations around the world on their digital transformation initiatives. Over the last 30 years with the company, he has given presentations to business and IT leaders in over 60 different countries, talking about SAP’s strategy and future trends, illustrated with real-world examples of customer innovation. He has worked in the UK, Hong Kong, New Zealand, and California, and currently lives in Paris, France. He has a degree in Econometrics and holds a patent in the area of mobile analytics.
You can follow me on twitter
Email: telliott@timoelliott.com or timo.elliott@sap.com
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/timoelliott
Twitter: http://twitter.com/timoelliott
There are some older photography blogs here: http://timoelliott.com/photos, here: http://timoelliott.com/personal and here: http://blog.timoelliott.com
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