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20 responses to “Subscribe To New Posts”

  1. Ian Bruce Hubble Avatar

    Hello Timo’
    I am giving a talk at Cmaera Club on The AI Conundrum in early May. Could i please have permission to use your cartoon “Why dis the algorithm cross the road”.
    Thanking you

    1. Timo Elliott Avatar

      Ian, please go ahead…

  2. Francis Chin Avatar

    Dear Timo, I nearly fell off my chair when I saw the cartoon of the killer robot from the future. To threaten to kill someone is bad enough but to remind me of his dental appointment is even more painful, hehehe!

    I am compiling lesson materials on AI as a contents developer and I want to include the killer robot cartoon in the chapter on Hollywood killer computers HAL (Space Odyssey) and Skynet (Terminator series).

    Thanks and waiting for more killer robots from you!
    Francis Chin

    1. Timo Elliott Avatar

      Francis, please go ahead!

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    1. Jop Avatar

      Dear Timo

      I read on your website that all cartoons are free to use and share as long as we would let you know for what purpose. Therefore, I would really like to use your cartoons for future purpose in our client’s (expert in corporate performance management (CPM) and BI) social media content calendar.

      Have a nice day!

      1. Timo Elliott Avatar

        Jop, please go ahead… note though that I work for SAP, covering (among other things) our analytics products, which may be competitive with your clients’

  5. Troy Miller Avatar

    Hi Timo, your cartoons are excellent. Would like to use “…just push this button” in a presentation slide and my colleague wanted to post it on his Linkedin. We will keep your name reference. Thank you, Troy

  6. P.Peck Avatar

    I am attempting to acquire the tools necessary to auto tweet during ppt (2010) presentation however I am not able to access the SAP 2.0 website provided in order to dowload the add in I need. Please help! Presentation really needs autotweet functionality

    1. Timo Elliott Avatar

      I’m really sorry, but because of updates to twitter’s authentication, the plugin no longer works… I hope to resurrect it, but it will take some serious coding…

  7. Ed Jones Avatar
    Ed Jones

    Hi Timo,

    I like your blogs and have read several of your articles- especially the one on “Why The Last Decade of BI Best-Practice is Rapidly Becoming Obsolete”- some very valuable and insightful information. I also like your analytical cartoons. I have a presentation coming up soon- is it okay if I use a few of them?



  8. Christine Bender Avatar
    Christine Bender

    Timo, I very much like your blog on re-inventing Marketing

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