Category: Cartoons
Data Is The New Oil? Yes: Toxic If Mishandled!
As quite a few companies have found out — data is indeed like oil: when spilled, creates a need for a toxic cleanup!
Containing Meltdown & Spectre (Cartoon)
Meltdown? Spectre? No problem — fixed it.
Customer Convenience or Surveillance Society?
Amazon opens a new high-tech store today. The future is about convenience through surveillance — call it “Big Mother”. Are we ready?
Is This The Future of Robots and Digital Assistants? (Cartoon)
A lighthearted look at the future of robots and digital assistants.
From Understanding Big Data to Monetizing It
Everybody’s heard of the 3Vs of Big Data. But increasingly it’s about the 4Ms: Make Me More Money!
What Executives Want From Their Dashboards! (Cartoon)
What do executives want from their dashboards? (justification!)
Facts? What If There Were An Alternative?
Facts? Sad!
Every Platform Needs More of This…
Predictive Santa?
What could Father Christmas do with the right segmentation technology?!