Category: Cartoons
Predictive Santa?
What could Father Christmas do with the right segmentation technology?!
You May Have Data, But…
Who needs data when you have your own killer robot?
Artificial Intelligence: The New Killer Feature
Artificial intelligence is the next “killer feature” — in more ways than one!
Data is Now IN Your Products — Culture Change Ahead
Data is at the very core of the business models of the future – and this means wrenching change for some organizations. We tend to think of our information systems as a foundation layer that support the “real” business of the organization – for example, by providing the information executives need to steer the business…
Analytics Teams: Own The Business Problem, Not An Infrastructure
To succeed in the future, Analytics teams have to pragmatically support business access to data, even if it’s not stored in corporate systems.
Cartoon: Data Privacy…
Cartoon: tracking in stores…
Cartoon: You Can Lead a Boss To Data…
Cartoon: you can lead a boss to data…
Cartoon: Data Story Telling…
Cartoon: data story telling
Cartoon: Is This The Big Benefit of Big Data?
Cartoon — What are people using big data for?