Category: Cartoons
Cartoon: Developing IT Agility
Cartoon: bouncing around some ideas about analytics agility…
Cartoon: Data Scientists Are The New IT Rock Stars
Data Scientists are the new rockstars say all the articles. But they’re hard to find an expensive, so consider using data science services instead…
Cartoon: How Are Your Big Data Job Prospects?
Do you have enough data to optimize your career?
Cartoon: The Perils of Business Innovation
Innovation? no, we already tried that.
Cartoon: Analytics Reinvention
New technologies like Hadoop are reinventing analytics…
Cartoon: The Business Benefit of In-Memory Processing
The big business benefit of in-memory isn’t what you might think!
Cartoon: What Chance Does Data Have?
What chance does data have when faced with strong opinions?! Some tips…
Cartoon: Predictive? It’s the Future…
It doesn’t take a fortune teller to realize that predictive analytics is the future…
Are You Making The Most of Your Dark Data?
Do you have any ‘dark data’ in your cellar? Here are some places to look…
Analytics Cartoon Caption Contest
Results of the first Analytics Cartoon Caption Contest