Category: Thoughts
Why artificial intelligence will make work more human
What does the rise of artificial intelligence mean for the world of work? Ultimately, more jobs and more interesting jobs — but there will be challenges.
Voice: The Next Big Breakthrough in Enterprise Computing
Voice is set to be the biggest enterprise tech disruption since the smartphone — if we can overcome the remaining practical difficulties.
Data Ownership: The Next Big Data Threat and Opportunity
Individuals now have, in effect, a personal ownership right over their information — is this a the start of a fundamental change in the industry?
A New Dawn for The Intelligent Enterprise?
How can you get more from your existing infrastructure investments? New technologies are providing organizations with big new opportunities to leverage that investment, to optimize current business processes and to transform future business opportunities.
Predictive Is The Next Step In Analytics Maturity? It’s More Complicated Than That!
The traditional analytics maturity curve obscures some big differences between traditional analytics and more advanced use of predictive analytics and machine learning projects. Here’s a framework that helps make your next steps to analytic maturity clearer.
Analytics: What Happened in 2017 And Where Is 2018 Going?
Some thoughts on what happened last year, and the latest trends and buzzwords going forward in 2018, thanks to
Digital Leadership: Are CIOs Up To The Challenge?
What do digital transformation leaders do differently? Here’s what the data says…
Analytics Semantic Wars, Basta!
Why it’s critical for everybody to use my definition of key terms like Big Data. Not.
Can You Trust Your Big Data?
Big data architectures are an increasingly important part of digital business, but compared to traditional IT, there’s typically a lot less control and governance built in. Here’s what to do about it…
The Problem With Exponential Innovation: People
How do we fix the “problem” of exponential technology? We need to invest more in people.