Category: Uncategorized
Presentation: How Big Data Shapes Business Results
The keynote presentation from SAP BI 2012 was on the topic of “how big data shapes business results”. Here’s a summary, and a link to the slides.
Just Add Analytics – Even to Toothbrushes
Analytics are being embedded into the product experience everywhere you look — even for toothbrushes!
Analytics Projects Are Like Skiing Through Moguls?
Why analytics projects can be like skiing through a mogul field…
BI and The Limitations of Human Cognition in Den Bosch
I presented at my first conference of the year last week, the Heliview Business Intelligence and Data Warehousing 2012 conference in ‘s Hertogenbosch, Netherlands.
Scoring My 2011 Analytic Predictions
Scoring my 2011 analytic predictions, and a quick look ahead at 2012
What Mobile BI Used To Look Like, And Where It’s Going (Back to the Future!)
Mobile business intelligence has been around for a long, long time — here’s a quick look at some of the origins, and where it’s going…
Sybase: Big Data Crisis is a Big Lie
Sybase: The Big Data crisis is fiction. A Big Lie.
The Office of Tomorrow — from 1945
The Office of Tomorrow — From 1945
Self-Service Data Warehousing for Business People with SAP Information Composer
The next version of SAP HANA (SP3) delivers a first version of “self-service data warehousing”. It includes a new web-based application called “Information Composer” that lets business people clean, upload, and model their own data, and combine it with trusted corporate sources.
At-a-Glance Guide to Analytics at SAPPHIRE NOW Madrid
I’ll be an official “social ambassador” for analytics at SAPPHIRE NOW from Madrid next week. This blog attempts to summarize the main analytics-related activities during the two days of SAPPHIRE NOW