Innovation Evangelism
New Study: Digital Transformation Is About ‘How’, Not ‘What’ A new Digital Transformation study from SAP, supported by Oxford Economics, was released today at the SAP Leonardo Live event in Frankfurt. The survey of over 3,000 executives in 17 regions around the world — one of the largest of its kind — reveals that 84% say digital transformation is critical to their survival…
Help Me Understand SAP Leonardo
SAP Leonardo is a digital innovation system. What’s that? It’s like a cooking class…
Digital Disruption is About Customer Centricity
Technology by itself is not the real disrupter. Being non-customer-centric is the biggest threat to any business.
From Understanding Big Data to Monetizing It
Everybody’s heard of the 3Vs of Big Data. But increasingly it’s about the 4Ms: Make Me More Money!
SAP Leonardo Q&A with Jayne Landry
At the recent SAP Insider event in Amsterdam, I had the opportunity to catch up with Jayne Landry, talking about SAP Leonardo. I tried to ask her the tricky questions, but she had great answers every time, so check out the video or the transcript below! 🙂 Timo: Hi my name is Timo Elliott and…
SAP Leonardo is NOT a Product: Here’s Why That’s Important.
SAP Leonardo isn’t a product, it’s a “digital innovation system.” What’s the difference and why would you care? The goal of SAP Leonardo is to help you “innovate at scale to confidently redefine your business.” It does includes key new technologies such as IoT, Blockchain, and Artificial Intelligence — but that’s perhaps the least important part.…
What is Artificial Intelligence Called?!
What is Artificial Intelligence, compared to other similar terms used in the market, like Cognitive Computing, or Machine Learning?
The Future of Digital Business is Self-Improving Products
Imagine if your products and services improved automatically as more people used them. That’s the future of Digital Business.
HBR: 8 Ways Machine Learning is Improving Processes
The question now is not about whether managers should investigate adopting AI — but about how fast they can do so. My cowritten HBR article explains more!
Introducing SAP Leonardo
What is SAP Leonardo, and why might you care?