Innovation Evangelism
Move Over CIO, The CDO is Coming…
You have to feel sorry for Chief Information Officers. Just as they finally prove their worth to the business, a new job title turns up in the boardroom and tries to take credit for all things digital: The Chief Digital Officer or CDO.
What is Digital Transformation, Really?
Digital transformation isn’t only for unicorns, and isn’t about bolting on some new technology. It’s about going back to the core of what you do, and doing it better.
Digital Transformation With Digitalist Magazine
Does your job involve helping your organization adapt to digital transformation? If so, check out the latest issue of Digitalist Magazine!
Who’s Afraid of Cloud Analytics?
I’ve been talking to audience about cloud analytics for about a decade, yet I still find most organizations are reticent. Here’s yet another attempt to persuade you.
Reinventing the Analytics Experience, Sideways
Today’s business intelligence and analytics suites have a lot of functionality, but typically involve installing several servers and using different interfaces. Now new, more powerful platforms mean a new approach to analytics is possible.
Sorry Boss…
Surviving Digital Transformation? Here’s How To Thrive In It
The next 20 to 40 years could represent the most transformative time in human history. What must organizations do to keep up?
3 Key Steps to Game-Changing Innovation
To change the game, you first need to decide what game you’re playing…
Are You A Digitalist? Here’s Your Magazine.
Digitalist is a digital magazine that aims to provide everything an executive needs to be a leader in the digital economy.