Innovation Evangelism
Vodafone Netherlands: New Products Made Simple
New, simpler to use predictive analytics helped Vodafone Netherlands jump on new products opportunities.
7 Interesting Big Data and Analytics Trends for 2015
Here’s a summary of what I believe are the seven most interesting trends in big data and analytics for 2015
How (Not) To Give An Enterprise Software Keynote
I attend 40+ enterprise software conferences a year. If you’re preparing a keynote, PLEASE don’t do the same as everybody else…
Simple is Hard
Complexity is holding back innovation. But simple is hard. Here’s an example of how to move forward.
Combatting Data Puddles
Since the dawn of analytics organizations have struggled to provide fast, flexible analytics for business users while also ensuring that there’s a common view of data across the organization. Here are some tips…
What is HTAP?
What is Hybrid Transactional/Analytical Processing (HTAP)? It’s the future of business applications.
From Data Lakes To Data Swamps
How can organizations avoid their data lakes turning into data swamps?
On The Nature of Reported Truth
Despite all the data available in the world, it can still be hard to find out the “truth” — what can we do about that?
Data Privacy Needs You
Data privacy is important — and we need your help