Innovation Evangelism
Interview: Big Data Into Big Insight
The latest trends in big data from database veteran Adrian Simpson
Internet of Things Cartoon
Are we ready for the consequences of networked home appliances?
Interview: The Need for Big Data Governance
Interview with Richard Neale about the need for Big Data Governance and his presentation at the UK SAP Innovation Forum on March 11 2014
Now You’ve Defined Your Incentive Plans, There’s One More Thing You Have To Do
If you’ve just unveiled your new incentive plan, you have one more thing you have to do: work out what bad behaviors could result and put in place analytics designed to alert your managers whenever that bad behavior is detected.
New Blog Theme
I have just moved to a new more responsive, mobile-ready blog theme, a modified version of Surfarama from There’s still some fine-tuning to do, so I apologize in advance for any inconvenience / strange functionality in the meantime, but I hope you like the result!
In-Memory Computing on Game-Changers Radio
Success with in-memory computing is less about technology, and more about people. Hear more on “game-changer radio”
SAP Big Data Chat: The Data Scientist
“Big Data Hangout” featuring SAP’s Shekar Iyer, Global VP Analytics & Big Data and David Ginsberg, Chief Data Scientist.
Spinning The Big Data Prediction Wheel
What can we look forward to in 2014 with regards to Big Data?