Tag: Analytics
On The Nature of Reported Truth
Despite all the data available in the world, it can still be hard to find out the “truth” — what can we do about that?
Data Privacy Needs You
Data privacy is important — and we need your help
What I Learned at the SAP CIO Summit Mendoza, Argentina
A recap of the SAP CIO Summit in Mendoza, Argentina, attended by CIOs from all across Latin America.
Cartoon: The Problem With Most Analytics
Cartoon: the problem with most analytics projects is that they just don’t react fast enough.
Cartoon: Big Data Marketing
Most people don’t realize how much of their online activity is being tracked by big data marketers.
Cartoon: Developing IT Agility
Cartoon: bouncing around some ideas about analytics agility…
Cartoon: Data Scientists Are The New IT Rock Stars
Data Scientists are the new rockstars say all the articles. But they’re hard to find an expensive, so consider using data science services instead…
5 Top Tips for Agile Analytics Organizations
New self-service analytics approaches provide an opportunity to dramatically improve analytics business agility and IT/business alignment. But this requires new cultures and new ways of working, and both business and IT organizations have to make compromises.
Data Democracy vs. Data Anarchy: Governed Data Discovery
Technology changes but the need for tradeoffs between the rights of the individual and the rights of the community as a whole remain. The new “governed data discovery” is just the next wave of “information democracy”: threading an uncertain path between “information dictatorship” and “information anarchy”
The First Ever Business Intelligence Project
In the buzz around Big Data, itβs worth remembering that analytics is as old as business computing itself. In 1953, LEO (short for Lyons Electronic Office) was the first computer in the world used to manage a business β and for the first ever analytics applications.