Tag: BI 2.0

  • Augmented Business Intelligence Reality?

    Dutch startup Layar is showing a glimpse of the future of mobile BI with augmented reality information browsing.

  • A New Decision Engine: Hunch, and Guided Analysis for the Enterprise

    A new “Decision Engine” called Hunch was launched today. How might this type of technology relate to collaborative decision-making in enterprises?

  • Everything You Ever Wanted to Know about SAP BusinessObjects Explorer

    Everything You Ever Wanted to Know about SAP BusinessObjects Explorer

    SAP BusinessObjects Explorer was recently launched at SAPPHIRE 2009 in Orlando. Here’s a long list of Explorer product, trial, customer, technical, and press links that I’m aware of so far.

  • Google Takes Another Step into BI

    Google Takes Another Step into BI

    Google extends their business intelligence functionality by making it easy to search for and analyze public data sources.

  • Antivia: The First Real BI 2.0 Solution?

    Antivia: The First Real BI 2.0 Solution?

    If BI 2.0 is to mean anything, it should be about “collective intelligence”: letting people add value to the BI solution through their actions. What I’ve seen so far from Antivia takes it to a whole new level, and I’m convinced that the type of functionality that it provides is an essential part of effective…

  • Graphwise: Great Idea, But Needs Work?

    Graphwise: Great Idea, But Needs Work?

    Graphwise is BI 2.0 entrant similar to Swivel and ManyEyes, but with a twist. You enter a search term, and the site scours the web for content that contains tables linked to those terms, then proposes charts based on the data in those tables.

  • Will BI 2.0 Sparql Thanks to the Semantic Web?

    The Tech Sanity Check blog has a great ZDNet interview with Tim Berners-Lee, inventor of the worldwide web, on the standards underlying the “semantic web”. As I’ve noted on this blog before, I’m not a fan of using the phrase BI 2.0 to simply cover a laundry list of features that enterprise BI vendors were already planning…

  • BI 2.0 Buzzwords

    Did I forget any buzzwords? You can download a powerpoint version here

  • BI 2.0?

    First, I agree with most of the coverage of business intelligence 2.0 so far: yes, the term is a little tacky — but it’s irresistible (and a great way of finding people blogging about Business Intelligence) An irresistible term A great example is the experience of Gartner’s Andy Bitterer. Despite his criticism of the term,…

  • Data Integration and Web Mashups on Collision Course?

    Here’s an interesting Techcrunch post on “5 Ways to Mix, Rip, and Mash your Data“. It includes Yahoo! pipes that I wrote about a couple of weeks ago, but also several other ETL-like technologies. One in particular, called Proto, has the ability to mash together local data with information from the web (e.g. “map my Outlook…