Tag: BI
SAP and Business Objects
Recorded presentation as training material for upcoming “IT Innovation” Seminar series.
BI Success Factors: What’s Your Job? (Superhero)
If you are in charge of a business intelligence project, your job is not to implement software. It is not to “keep the business happy”. It is to use your expertise to help the company transform the way it does business — a heroic undertaking
Profitability Analysis: The “Magic Bullet” for Strategic BI Success?
After discussing profitability analysis with a series of diverse customers, I’ve come away convinced that it may even be a “magic bullet” that helps promote enduring BI success.
Why Build Your Own BI Platform?
Sure, you can cobble together your own BI platform, but it will seem increasingly ridiculous to do so.
The Information Age = Middle Ages Feudalism?
It may be the information age, but what we experience on a daily basis has a lot more in common with the middle ages–with feudal lords and knights–than it does with the modern economy.
BI and Societe Generale?
Much has been written about the approximately 5 billion Euros that Société Générale lost because of Jerome Kerviel, a junior arbitrage trader. What’s interesting about it from a BI point of view? Can BI help? First, it’s worth noting that Société Générale is a big Business Objects customer, so their problems came despite having having…
BI vs. the Web?
BI is like a worldwide web where implementing each link costs $100k and takes IT six months to implement. Fantastic possibilities. Slow progress.
Top 5 BI Predictions for (the Rest of) 2008
OK, so it’s February, and I’m late to the party (it got busy for a while), but here’s my belated thoughts on the top five BI trends this year. I’ll avoid the standard laundry-list of “BI 2.0” (or even BI 3.0, sigh) tech trends, and instead concentrate on some of the BI market and customer…
Business Objects Memory Lane
A few photos from the early days of Business Objects
Is “One Version of the Truth” Outdated?
It’s time to retiring the notion of “one version of the truth” — it’s as useful as striving for “one version of politics”.