Tag: #bigdata
From Data Lakes To Data Swamps
How can organizations avoid their data lakes turning into data swamps?
Data Privacy Needs You
Data privacy is important — and we need your help
Cartoon: Big Data Marketing
Most people don’t realize how much of their online activity is being tracked by big data marketers.
The Way Forward is Simple
The biggest barrier to business innovation in today’s world is IT complexity — but new technologies make it easier to “run simple”
Cartoon: Analytics Reinvention
New technologies like Hadoop are reinventing analytics…
Cartoon: The Business Benefit of In-Memory Processing
The big business benefit of in-memory isn’t what you might think!
SAP HANA Brings ROI of over 500% for University of Kentucky
SAP HANA isn’t expensive. It’s not just for extreme data speeds. It’s simply a cheaper, better way of doing analytics.
Hadoop Summit Amsterdam 2014: Crossing The Chasm
Presenters at the Hadoop Summit said Hadoop 2.0 has helped the technology “cross the chasm”, and predicted a big wave of production deployments this year.
Are You Making The Most of Your Dark Data?
Do you have any ‘dark data’ in your cellar? Here are some places to look…
Agile Analytics
Agility is perhaps the biggest challenge and opportunity in analytics today. Watch this discussion of what it means to your business.