Tag: SAP
SAP Business By Design Adds Third-Party Web Services
SAP today announced new collaboration agreements that allow SAP Business ByDesign users to more easily leverage web services from third-party providers
Implementing Business Intelligence Standards: Save Money and Improve Business Insight
From chaos to order: an overview of the advantages of implementing BI standards, with some real-life examples of best practice techniques.
Needle in a Haystack Blog Area
If you want to go to one place to get all the news about what’s going on with SAP BusinessObjects, try the “Needle in a Haystack” area of the SAP Collaboration Workspace
A Big Cryptographic Boost for On-Demand BI and Extranets?
A recent cryptographic breakthrough made by IBM Researcher Craig Gentry that potentially has huge consequences for both on-demand and extranet business intelligence.
Over 100 Free SAP BusinessObjects Web Seminars
Looking for some free training in these difficult economic times? Here’s a long, long list of free web seminars courtesy of the SDN BusinessObjects Web Seminar Series.
The End of Relational Databases?
SAP’s co-founder believes that “disk has become yesterday’s tape” and that the era of relational databases is over, to be replaced by column storage for both data warehousing AND enterprise applications.
Test Your Decision-Making Skills!
Think you’re good at making decisions? Take this simple challenge!
Great Examples of US Government BI Transparency
Since the US has now appointed its first ever “Chief Performance Officer”, it seems like a great time to talk about other great examples of US government transparency and business intelligence.