Analytics Cartoons

A gallery of some of my more popular Big Data, Analytics, Business Intelligence, and Performance Management cartoons — feel free to use these in your presentations, university courses, books etc, for free, as long as you drop me a line to let me know what you have planned (telliott at timoelliott dot com),

TopĀ cartoon page here, including links toĀ analytics cartoons,Ā Ā more analytics cartoons, yet more analytics cartoons andĀ artificial intelligence cartoons,Ā Ā marketing cartoons,Ā social cartoons,Ā innovation cartoons, sustainability cartoons, work frustration cartoons, other cartoons.

Opinions Are Good. Data is Better.

Ā Cartoon: Why you two have finished arguing your opinions, I actually have data!

Watch out for “Gut Feel”!

Strategic Decisions…

The Bad Data Breakup

Cartoon: It's not you. It's your data.

Big Data Boasts

Cartoon: I think you'll find that mine is bigger than yours!

What You Get If You Don’t Have Analytics. A HIPPO.

Cartoon: No Analytics? Welcome to the Hippo

Some Middle Managers Don’t Like Analytics

Ā There’s No Reward Without Risk

Cartoon: tracking performance without risk is... shortsighted

Ā One of The Ironies of Calculating the ROI for BI

Cartoon: I tried to build an ROI case for BI, but I couldn't access any data!

What’s the ROI of What You Don’t Know?

Cartoon: What's the ROI of knowing what you don't know? (I don't know, either)

Business Intelligence Wish Fulfilment

Cartoon: Press this button to save millions of dollars

What’s The ROI of Business Intelligence? Higher than the ROI of Ignorance.

Cartoon: What's the ROI of BI? It's higher than the ROI of ignorance

Data Quality? Cross Your Fingers And Hope…

Cartoon: Yes, you can absolutely trust those numbers

The Daily Life of a BI Incompetency Center

Cartoon: A BI Incompetency Center in action

Stop Confusing Me With Facts

Cartoon: I'm making a decision! Stop confusing me with facts!

Don’t Be A Turkey When It Comes To Predictive Analytics

Cartoon: Turkey does predictive analytics just before thanksgiving

These Analytics Folks Think They Know Everything!

Cartoon: these analytics people think they know everything!

Is Everybody Else Doing It While You Just Watch?

Cartoon: Analytics: worried that everybody else is doing it while you just watch?

Have ERP? Thank Heavens for Analytics

analytics and ERP

Data lake? Bring it on!

[NEW: More Analytics Cartoons]


230 responses to “Analytics Cartoons”

  1. Tom Avatar

    Hi Timo – These are excellent. I’d like to use some of your cartoons for Business Case presentations. Is there a formal request process? Thanks!

  2. Kate James Avatar
    Kate James

    Hi Timo
    I would like to use your cartoons to illustrate the different topics covered in my Business Analytics module. I think they are great, simple and funny, and I think my students will love them.

    1. Timo Elliott Avatar

      Kate, please go ahead…

  3. Jessica M. Avatar
    Jessica M.

    Hi Timo,

    Your cartoons are great! I am hoping to use “I actually have data” in a presentation to our summer interns on analytics. Thanks so much!

    (San Francisco, CA)

    1. Timo Elliott Avatar

      Jessica, thanks for letting me know. Best of luck with your presentation!

  4. George Steblovsky Avatar
    George Steblovsky

    Hi Timo,

    I am preparing slides for my “Predictive Analytics with R” undergraduate course, and I’d love to use some of your cartoons with your permission to help illustrate a few ideas! Pardon me for flattering, but I find your cartoons minimalistic (big plus), funny (a huge plus), and very much to the point (huge plus-plus).
    Many thanks for considering my request.
    — George

    1. Timo Elliott Avatar

      George, please go ahead ā€” and good luck with your course

  5. Rok Globočnik Avatar

    Hi, Timo. With your permission, Iā€™d love to use your cartoon (ā€œYes sir, you can absolutely trust those numbersā€) in a blog for our website. Hope to hear from you and keep up the good work!
    Rok Globočnik

    1. Timo Elliott Avatar

      Rok, please go ahead, thanks for letting me knowā€¦

  6. Ben Avatar


    I’d love to use a few of these cartoons with your permission to help illustrate a few topics on my presentation! The content will be aimed to help colleagues and students learn how to create and present data to executive leaders.

    1. Timo Elliott Avatar

      Ben, Please go ahead! Good luck with your presentation!

    2. Cindy Harvey Avatar

      Hello, really great stuff! I would love to use one or two of your cartoons for a presentation. Would that be okay with you? Thank you.

  7. Karen Thompson Avatar

    Hi Timo

    With your permission, I’d like to use one of your great data cartoons as part of a presentation in work. Many thanks!


  8. Joe McMenamin Avatar

    I would like to use your cartoons in a presentation I am to make on AI in healthcare. I understand you allow members of the public to use your material. Please correct me if I am wrong. I will give you full attribution.

  9. John P. Desmond Avatar

    Greetings, I was writing to see if I can get permission to use one or two cartoons. The letter email address on this page did not work for me, so I’m filling out a form. Hope to hear from you and keep up the good work!

  10. Ray Avatar

    Hi Timo,
    I’m a data analyst, and I found your cartoons really resonant.
    Iā€™d love to use your cartoon ā€œWhen you two have finished arguing your opinions, I actually have data!ā€ in a presentation for my colleagues if you’re fine with that. I think this cartoon perfectly described why I love my job. Thank you!

  11. Aaron Avatar

    I would like to use your cartoons in some presentations I am doing for my university. I appreciate the work you have done to illustrate insights related to data.

  12. Kellye Avatar

    Hi, Timo. I’d love to use your cartoon about data and opinions (“When you two have finished arguing your opinions, I actually have data!”) in a presentation for our freshman writing students. I’m developing the presentation for myself and for other teachers in my department (Writing and Rhetoric).

    1. Timo Elliott Avatar

      Kellye — please go ahead, I’m honored!

  13. terri Avatar

    I would love to put one of your cartoons in a newsletter. One is the “Our dashboards are so advanced, they automatically filter out any bad news” and also

  14. Rohan Avatar

    Hello Tim,

    I really liked one of your cartoons. I was wondering if I could have your permission to include it in a slide that talks about how important data cleaning is for our staff training.

    This cartoon has the employee with fingers crossed at the back and saying to his manager “You can trust the numbers”.

    1. Timo Elliott Avatar

      Rohan, thanks for asking, thanks for letting me know which one you were interested in, in particular — and please go ahead!

  15. Jie Avatar

    Hi Timo,

    Very nice cartoons.
    With your permission, I would like to use some of your cartoons in my university course (Analytics).

    Br, Jie

    1. Timo Elliott Avatar

      Jie, I’d be delighted — please go ahead, and I hope your students enjoy the course…

  16. Michele Landry Avatar

    I would like to use your marketing analytics cartoon in an upcoming IABC seminar. Thanks, Michele

    1. Timo Elliott Avatar

      Michele, please go ahead!

  17. robbert Avatar

    Dear Timo,
    with your permission I would like to embed one or more of your great cartoons in a presentation.

    Thank you!

    1. Timo Elliott Avatar


      I’m honored — thanks for letting me know, please go ahead, and best of luck with your presentation… (which ones, just out of interest?)


      1. robbert Avatar

        currently I am thinking of “the ultimate financial asset” and “itĀ“s not you, itĀ“s your data”…your cartoons make it pretty hard to decide šŸ™‚


  18. Matthias von Davier Avatar
    Matthias von Davier

    great cartoons, they hit the mark, I would also like to use one or two in a presentation (with appropriate credit given)

  19. TurjĆ”n IldikĆ³ Avatar
    TurjĆ”n IldikĆ³

    Hello Timo, I would like to use some cartoons in my presentations.

  20. Yannick Avatar

    Hi Timo,
    Thanks for these cartoons, with your permission I will use a couple of them in my presentation (an introduction to data science).


    1. Timo Elliott Avatar

      Yannick, thanks for letting me know, and good luck with your presentation!

  21. TurjĆ”n IldikĆ³ Avatar

    Hello Timo,

    I would like to use your cartoon as part of my presentation for a small business team in Budapest.

  22. Ganesh Rajasekaran Avatar
    Ganesh Rajasekaran

    Sir, With your permission, would like to use a few of the cartoons for my linkedin Blog post .

    1. Timo Elliott Avatar

      Ganesh, please go ahead…

  23. Urvashi Avatar

    Hi Timo

    Data, Analytics, BI and related concepts often send non-data professionals running the other way. Your cartoons make for amazing ice breakers that ease readers into keeping an open mind around very technical and difficult discussions.

    I can’t thank you enough for making these open and freely available for varied purposes.

    With your consent I would like to use your cartoons in our presentations and blogs.


    1. Timo Elliott Avatar

      Urvashi, please go ahead!

  24. Uma Basnayake Avatar

    Hi Timo
    Thanks for these.
    With your permission I am using a few for our presentations on BI and media posts.

    Kind Regards,

  25. Eric Buining Avatar
    Eric Buining

    Hi Tim,
    Your cartoons are spon on šŸ™‚
    With your permission I would like to use some of them for presentations.
    Thanks and kind regards,

  26. Pradeep Avatar

    Hi Timo,

    Your cartoons are really amazing, with your permission I will use it in my presentation.

    Thanks a ton for this lovely creation.

  27. Rahul Avatar

    Hello Timo,
    I found several of your cartoons very relevant to a topic I am will presenting. I, with your permission, would like to use some of them in my presentation (point of view).
    Thanks a ton !!!

    1. Timo Elliott Avatar


      Please go ahead!

  28. Duk Ahn Avatar

    Hi How are you?

    Wow~ Analytics cartoons!! So funny and specific!
    Your cartoons are very fantastic!! Could you allow me to use some of your images to make a marketing webpage I am trying to make.

    Your kind advice would be very much appreciated.

    1. Timo Elliott Avatar

      Duk Ahn, assuming that itā€™s a reputable page, please go ahead!!

  29. Anand Avatar

    Hi Timo,

    Your cartoons are great and love your sense of humour. I would like to use them in my LinkedIn post about data..

    Thanks so much!

    1. Timo Elliott Avatar

      Anand, thank you for asking! Please go ahead…

  30. Anubhav Pandey Avatar
    Anubhav Pandey

    Hi Timo,

    Your cartoons are quite humorous. I would like to use them in my LinkedIn post about communicating bad news in analytics.


    1. Timo Elliott Avatar

      Sorry for the late reply — please go ahead!

  31. Chandra Shekar Avatar

    Great images, very apt and imaginative. Please can I use a couple of them in an internal document to bring home a point?

  32. Sam N Avatar
    Sam N

    Hi Timo,
    I love your sense of humour and would like to use a couple of your cartoons on AI and analytics in a presentation I am doing to staff. I am hoping to keep users engaged in these covid times presenting over Zoom. Fingers crossed it hits the spot. Thank you in advance.

  33. Timo Avatar

    Awesome cartoons, thanks for sharing!

  34. Jodie Avatar

    Hi there Mr Elliott,
    I am teaching a ‘data for decision making’ unit this term. Your cartoons really illustrate to students the points I am trying to make. I would really like to use a few of your cartoons if that is okay with you?

    1. Timo Elliott Avatar


      Iā€™m (very) honored. Please go ahead ā€” and good luck to the future generation of deciders! (And let me know if you ever need a speaker in Tasmania šŸ™‚ )

  35. John Worthington Avatar

    going to use the ‘we don’t let people use the data warehouse – that would slow it down too much’ cartoon at a Citrix CUGC event…


    1. Timo Elliott Avatar

      John, thanks for letting me know, and good luck…

  36. Kamal Avatar

    Hello Mr. Elliott,
    Found several of your cartoons very relevant to a topic I am working on. I, with your permission, would like to use some of them in my presentation (point of view).
    Thanks a ton !!!

    1. Timo Elliott Avatar


      Please go ahead!


  37. Patrick Avatar

    Hey, cool cartoons!
    I would like to use one in my university course on digitalization in business law. Many thanks!

    1. Timo Elliott Avatar

      Patrick, please go ahead, and good luck with your course (I hope it’s as interesting as it sounds… my wife is a lawyer, and she worked on some dossiers to do with deep linking back in the early days of the web — I’m not sure if the issues raised at the time are fully covered even today!)

  38. Taniya Avatar

    Hi Timo,
    Just shared one of your cartoons with my fellow course mates and also shared your website with my professor!
    Love the cartoons for being so relatable and humorous.
    Thank you for giving the permission to share.

    1. Timo Elliott Avatar

      Glad they were useful!


  39. Bart Hordijk Avatar
    Bart Hordijk

    Hi Timo,

    I absolutely love your cartoons. We plan to use some of them in a presentation we give in Berlin in two weeks.

    Hope this is OK šŸ™‚

    1. Timo Elliott Avatar


      Sorry about the really late reply! Yes, no problem — I hope the presentation went well…


  40. Bart Hordijk Avatar
    Bart Hordijk

    Hi Timo,

    I love your cartoons. Hope it’s OK if we use some of them in a presentation we give in Berlin in two weeks.



  41. Mika Avatar

    Hi, Great work and spot-on humour. Could I please use some of your amazing drawings for my Empathy workshop presentation which will be featured in my portfolio?

    Many thanks

  42. Nadia Avatar

    Wow, your cartoons are so good! With your permission, I would like to use two of them in my presentation to address the challenges related to data processing. Many thanks for your excellent work!

    1. Timo Elliott Avatar

      Yes, please go ahead…

  43. Vishesh Jain Avatar
    Vishesh Jain

    Hey Timo!
    Great cartoons!

    Iā€™d like to use them on my social media feeds and on the Power BI user group, with your permission,

    Please let me know ASAP.


  44. Andrea Avatar

    Your comics are better than my tweets! With your permission I’m using a few in my social media feeds. Thanks!

  45. Herman Tolentino Avatar

    Timo, nice cartoons! Requesting permission to share them with CDC’s GEEKS health informatics mentors and trainees in global health (Africa and Asia).

    1. Timo Elliott Avatar

      Herman, sorry for the late reply — please go ahead…

  46. Stanley Muntslag Avatar
    Stanley Muntslag

    Hi Timo,

    I’d like to use some of your data-cartoons for my study. They’re right to the point. Thanks


  47. T hossain shaheen Avatar
    T hossain shaheen

    very useful and informed cartoons

  48. Melmar Poblacion Aquino Avatar
    Melmar Poblacion Aquino

    Hello Timo,

    With your permission, I am using your cartoon as part of my presentation in ASQ Vancouver Conference (26 Sept 18).


  49. Jonas Avatar

    Hey there,
    fun stuff.
    We would like to use some of your cartoons for our hosted blog about running a startup as CTO in Stuttgart, Germany.

  50. Arindam Roy Avatar
    Arindam Roy

    Hello Timo, Your creations are very apt in today’s scenario. With your permission, would like to use few of them in my presentations.


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