Analytics Cartoons

A gallery of some of my more popular Big Data, Analytics, Business Intelligence, and Performance Management cartoons — feel free to use these in your presentations, university courses, books etc, for free, as long as you drop me a line to let me know what you have planned (telliott at timoelliott dot com),

Top cartoon page here, including links to analytics cartoons,  more analytics cartoons, yet more analytics cartoons and artificial intelligence cartoons,  marketing cartoonssocial cartoonsinnovation cartoons, sustainability cartoons, work frustration cartoons, other cartoons.

Opinions Are Good. Data is Better.

 Cartoon: Why you two have finished arguing your opinions, I actually have data!

Watch out for “Gut Feel”!

Strategic Decisions…

The Bad Data Breakup

Cartoon: It's not you. It's your data.

Big Data Boasts

Cartoon: I think you'll find that mine is bigger than yours!

What You Get If You Don’t Have Analytics. A HIPPO.

Cartoon: No Analytics? Welcome to the Hippo

Some Middle Managers Don’t Like Analytics

 There’s No Reward Without Risk

Cartoon: tracking performance without risk is... shortsighted

 One of The Ironies of Calculating the ROI for BI

Cartoon: I tried to build an ROI case for BI, but I couldn't access any data!

What’s the ROI of What You Don’t Know?

Cartoon: What's the ROI of knowing what you don't know? (I don't know, either)

Business Intelligence Wish Fulfilment

Cartoon: Press this button to save millions of dollars

What’s The ROI of Business Intelligence? Higher than the ROI of Ignorance.

Cartoon: What's the ROI of BI? It's higher than the ROI of ignorance

Data Quality? Cross Your Fingers And Hope…

Cartoon: Yes, you can absolutely trust those numbers

The Daily Life of a BI Incompetency Center

Cartoon: A BI Incompetency Center in action

Stop Confusing Me With Facts

Cartoon: I'm making a decision! Stop confusing me with facts!

Don’t Be A Turkey When It Comes To Predictive Analytics

Cartoon: Turkey does predictive analytics just before thanksgiving

These Analytics Folks Think They Know Everything!

Cartoon: these analytics people think they know everything!

Is Everybody Else Doing It While You Just Watch?

Cartoon: Analytics: worried that everybody else is doing it while you just watch?

Have ERP? Thank Heavens for Analytics

analytics and ERP

Data lake? Bring it on!

[NEW: More Analytics Cartoons]


230 responses to “Analytics Cartoons”

  1. Iande Avatar

    Hi Timo, I would like to you your cartoon on a presentation. Would that be possible?

  2. Lora LIndsey Avatar
    Lora LIndsey

    Hello Timo, we are presenting a Business Value workshop at the Microsoft Ready conference for our internal field training and would like to use one of your cartoons to inject a lesson with humor. May we use your cartoon about the only speed metric that matters is making money? We would really appreciation the permission.

    Thank you in advance, Lora

  3. Adam Fundora Avatar
    Adam Fundora

    With your permission, please allow me to use some cartoons in a power point presentation I am giving. The topic is understanding data and some of your cartoon are perfect for making the point i am trying to relay during the discussion.
    I will cite your website and each slide.

  4. Louise Heather Avatar
    Louise Heather

    My company is currently implementing Integrated business (IBP) Planning and your cartoons are spot on in identifying the anthesis of IBP behaviours. May I have your permission to use the following in internal training and communications:
    – Strategic decision to ignore the bad news
    – Data quality – Cross your fingers and hope


  5. Cecilia Avatar

    Hi Timo,

    I would love to use one of your cartoons on data quality in an academic presentation on data analysis. Would that be possible?


    1. Timo Elliott Avatar

      Cecilia, please go ahead – and good luck with your presentation…

  6. Riya Avatar

    Hi Timo,

    These are some aw-inspiring illustrations. Can I post them on social media?

  7. Ronan OHara Avatar
    Ronan OHara


    I would love to use one of your cartoons on innovation in an internal work newsletter. Is that possible?

    (Belfast N. Ireland)

  8. […] have fun with ANALYTICS CARTOONS and […]

  9. Dennis Julian Avatar
    Dennis Julian

    Dear Timo,

    I really like your cartoons. With your permission I’d like to use one for a presentation (the data drill one).


  10. Carlos Guevara Avatar

    Fantastic illustrations on what so many fail to realize. You’re illustrations are in line with what our Customer Intelligence Management platform is helping various customers get over – specifically the data lake data quality.

  11. […] No one knows it all; eat the humble pie and question things (Image Source) […]

  12. Andrew Barraclough Avatar
    Andrew Barraclough

    Love your cartoons and love to use some of them in some presentations for my organization and a university module I teach

  13. Nzinga Ward Avatar
    Nzinga Ward

    These are excellent cartoons! You are very talented and very funny!!! May I use some of your cartoons to do some presentations?

  14. Andrea Avatar

    Hi Timo,
    Wonderful work! With your permission, please, I would like to use the “Data Quality? Cross Your Fingers And Hope…” cartoon for a video I am doing for my company website. Thank you in advance.

    1. Timo Elliott Avatar

      Andrea — please go ahead

      1. Suryanarayanan Krishnamoorthi Avatar
        Suryanarayanan Krishnamoorthi

        I would like to use 4 of your analytics cartoons in my academic survey to make the survey more interesting! Pls permit me do so.
        1. Data puddle
        2. Quick! Somebody find a data scientist!
        3. Preventive Maintenance Inc.
        4. ROI of finding out what you don’t know

        1. Timo Elliott Avatar

          Surya, sure, please go ahead…

  15. Charline Mouton Avatar
    Charline Mouton

    Hi Timo

    Excellent data cartoons. It ok if I use one or two for a presentation I am doing?

    1. Timo Elliott Avatar

      Charline — please go ahead…

  16. Nick Roberts Avatar
    Nick Roberts

    Hi Timo,
    I would also like to use some of your work with my internal team… great stuff!

    1. Timo Elliott Avatar

      Nick – please go ahead

  17. Michel van Wallene Avatar
    Michel van Wallene

    Hi Timo,

    spot on cartoons! Can I use some of them for my presentation ?


    1. Timo Elliott Avatar

      Michel –please go ahead…

  18. […] have fun with ANALYTICS CARTOONS and HUMOR […]

  19. […] R, finally, after living and loving SPSS for many years. I am no expert in Big Data, having only been responsible for about 40GBs (about a million records of a thousand variables each) of data […]

  20. Elissa Yunita Avatar
    Elissa Yunita

    Hi Timo,
    Your cartoons is amazingly witty.
    Can I use some of them for my presentation ?

    1. Timo Elliott Avatar

      Elissa, I’m honored — please go ahead…

  21. aditya Avatar

    May I use your cartoons. These are really engaging.

  22. Anne Avatar

    Would like to use your selected cartoons in my presentation -thanks?

    1. Timo Elliott Avatar

      Anne, please go ahead…

  23. Candice Avatar

    Timo, I am presenting on price risk management, and would like to use your cartoon with the strategic decision to ignore bad news. Thanks in advance!

    1. Timo Elliott Avatar

      Candice, please go ahead!

  24. RWahlers Avatar

    Great stuff! I’d like to use the automatic business intelligence cartoon in a presentation if you don’t mind. Thanks in advance!

  25. Michelle Moats Avatar
    Michelle Moats


    Hello. These are spot on. May I use some of them in an internal BI newsletter that gets sent to BI users within the manufacturing company that I work for?

  26. Praveen Kumar Kambhampati Avatar


    I’m using the Turkey and Rhino cartoon’s in a Linkedin article explaining the “Failure Modes of Precision Marketing” . I feel these cartoon explain the analytical aspect much effectively. Thank you.

  27. Rob Usher Avatar
    Rob Usher

    Hi – I would like to use a couple of your cartoons within our closed internal team. Thanks in advance. Rob Usher

  28. Niall Walsh Avatar
    Niall Walsh

    Hi Timo,

    Love the cartoons, may I use them on a presentation I’m doing ….. also would you mind if I shared them on LinkedIn with reference to yourself and your site here ?

  29. carmen Avatar

    Hi Timo
    These are fantastic!!
    Can we post these in our training material please?
    With thanks,

  30. Adam Gilbert Avatar
    Adam Gilbert

    Perfect comics for what I am blogging about! Love it. I am going to use this for my company’s blog about Data Quality Assurance and link back to you.

  31. Michael Avatar

    Hi Timo,
    Love your cartoons. I’d like the previous people in the thread I’d like to ask you for permission to use some of the cartoons in a workshop for the development NGO I’m working in.
    If you say yes, I’ll send you a fun cartoon back…

  32. Mukund Avatar

    Nice cartoons. Would like to use them in presentations.

  33. Kevin Avatar

    Timo – I like these cartoons to help break up a presentation on predictive analytics. Could I use some of my insurance presentations? Next month, I have a presentation to insurance agents, and I’d like to use the Thanksgiving Predictive Analytics cartoon.

    Thank you.

  34. Robert Thorley Avatar
    Robert Thorley

    Hi Timo, love your work. I am presenting a conference session about innovation. May I have your permission to use a couple of cartoons in the powerpoint?

  35. Aman Dhillon Avatar
    Aman Dhillon

    Hi Timo,

    Love your cartoons. Any chance I could your permission to use your cartoons in internal presentations at my workplace.

  36. KT Avatar

    Wonderful!! May I use them as a banner in Blackboard for my Business Data Analytics courses?

    Humor really helps when the going gets tough.

    Thanks in advance!

  37. Howard Thomas Avatar

    I love Scott Adams and Dilbert, he clearly understands today’s business environment.
    I discovered your cartoons some time ago and I think the same about your insights with respect to ‘Big Data’.
    I have a presentation at an Exec Breakfast coming up and as I’m a bit of a maverick I would like to use your cartoons instead of text.
    I’d give full credit, would that be OK?

    1. Timo Elliott Avatar

      Howard, please go ahead..

  38. Taha Azizi Avatar
    Taha Azizi

    May I use these cartoons in my presentation?
    Thanks in advance.

  39. JA Avatar

    I would like to use some of your your cartoons in my accounting classes and in emails with faculty about the importance of developing our students skills with data analytics. Would that be OK?

    1. Timo Elliott Avatar


      Please go ahead…

  40. […] Cartoon posted with the kind permission of Timo Elliott  […]

  41. VC Avatar

    Hi Timo, may I have permission to use some of your cartoons for a BI newsletter to my team? They are smart and very apt !

  42. Mary Kerr Avatar
    Mary Kerr

    May I use the ..push this button here…cartoon in a presenttion I am doing about value analysis? Thank you.

  43. […] answer the questions about where the data for their insights/decisions came from with confidence. Timo Elliott’s cartoon does a great job illustrating a situation that I’m sure never happens in your […]

  44. Kirsten Lees Avatar

    Hi… another wanna-be user… can I please use your data break up cartoon to advertise me analytics seminar to small businesses?

  45. lisa Avatar

    Hi Timo
    If it’s ok, we’d love to use a few of these cartoons for our Analytics Newsletter. They hit home!

  46. Javier Muñoz Avatar
    Javier Muñoz

    Hi Timo

    With your permission please, I’d like to use some of your cartoons in my college classes.


    1. Timo Elliott Avatar

      Javier, please go ahead…

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