Analytics Cartoons

A gallery of some of my more popular Big Data, Analytics, Business Intelligence, and Performance Management cartoons — feel free to use these in your presentations, university courses, books etc, for free, as long as you drop me a line to let me know what you have planned (telliott at timoelliott dot com),

Top cartoon page here, including links to analytics cartoons,  more analytics cartoons, yet more analytics cartoons and artificial intelligence cartoons,  marketing cartoonssocial cartoonsinnovation cartoons, sustainability cartoons, work frustration cartoons, other cartoons.

Opinions Are Good. Data is Better.

 Cartoon: Why you two have finished arguing your opinions, I actually have data!

Watch out for “Gut Feel”!

Strategic Decisions…

The Bad Data Breakup

Cartoon: It's not you. It's your data.

Big Data Boasts

Cartoon: I think you'll find that mine is bigger than yours!

What You Get If You Don’t Have Analytics. A HIPPO.

Cartoon: No Analytics? Welcome to the Hippo

Some Middle Managers Don’t Like Analytics

 There’s No Reward Without Risk

Cartoon: tracking performance without risk is... shortsighted

 One of The Ironies of Calculating the ROI for BI

Cartoon: I tried to build an ROI case for BI, but I couldn't access any data!

What’s the ROI of What You Don’t Know?

Cartoon: What's the ROI of knowing what you don't know? (I don't know, either)

Business Intelligence Wish Fulfilment

Cartoon: Press this button to save millions of dollars

What’s The ROI of Business Intelligence? Higher than the ROI of Ignorance.

Cartoon: What's the ROI of BI? It's higher than the ROI of ignorance

Data Quality? Cross Your Fingers And Hope…

Cartoon: Yes, you can absolutely trust those numbers

The Daily Life of a BI Incompetency Center

Cartoon: A BI Incompetency Center in action

Stop Confusing Me With Facts

Cartoon: I'm making a decision! Stop confusing me with facts!

Don’t Be A Turkey When It Comes To Predictive Analytics

Cartoon: Turkey does predictive analytics just before thanksgiving

These Analytics Folks Think They Know Everything!

Cartoon: these analytics people think they know everything!

Is Everybody Else Doing It While You Just Watch?

Cartoon: Analytics: worried that everybody else is doing it while you just watch?

Have ERP? Thank Heavens for Analytics

analytics and ERP

Data lake? Bring it on!

[NEW: More Analytics Cartoons]


230 responses to “Analytics Cartoons”

  1. Elizabeth Novak Avatar
    Elizabeth Novak


    I am an 8th grade math teacher in Massachussetts. I am working with my science teacher colleagues to build an interdisciplinary math/science capstone project. We would love to use your cartoon “Opinions are good, Data is better) as part of our “Data Collection” title page. We would be handing the packet out to our students this year, and hopefully in following years as well.

    Thank you,

  2. peyman Avatar

    Hi Timo,
    These cartoons are great for me , i am basketball coach , i would like to use some carton for print on paper to our player , i can ?

    thanks 🙂

  3. Amin Sajedi Avatar

    Hi Timo

    With your permission please, I’d like to use some of your cartoons in my blog posts.


  4. Jeremy Berriault Avatar
    Jeremy Berriault

    Hi Timo,

    I am presenting a course on Root Cause Analysis and metrics. I would like to use some of your cartoons as nice breaks between sections.

    Thanks in advance,

  5. Herman Avatar

    Hi Timo

    With your permission please, i would like to post some of ur great analytic cartoons in my fb group. Thanks.

  6. Alberto Restrepo Avatar
    Alberto Restrepo

    Hi Timo,

    Great Cartoons! It is possible to use some of those in my presentations about Big Data & Analytics? Particularly “Opinions are Good… Data is better”


  7. San Murugesan Avatar
    San Murugesan

    These cartoons are great – convey compelling and instructive messages succinctly. I would like to use some of them in my class/seminars with due credit to the cartoonist and the source. Thanks. Keep it up. I look forward to interesting cartoons on not only on big data but also on related topics such as the Internet of Things, Analytics in the Cloud, Data quality,, and value of (big/small) data,

  8. Celina Avatar


    I would like to use one or two of your cartoons in my lecture slides for a research methods in psychology class. Would that be OK? The ones I have in mind are “Opinions are good, data is better” and “Stop confusing me with the facts!”

    1. Timo Elliott Avatar

      Celina, please go ahead…

  9. Dan Avatar

    Hi Tim,
    With your permission, could I use two of your cartoons (Turkey Predictive Analysis and Bad Data Breakup) for our in-house BI sharing media please?
    Best regards

  10. Leah Pickering Avatar
    Leah Pickering

    Hi Timo,

    These cartoons are great and I’d love to use one or two for a short video I’m making to explain what analytics is. Is this possible?

    Many thanks!

  11. Bushair Thayyil Avatar
    Bushair Thayyil


    I liked these cartoons. would like to use some of them in my presentations.
    Thanks in advance.

  12. mary browne Avatar
    mary browne

    Hi – love your cartoons. Could I use Opinions Are Good. Data is Better. in an internal presentation? Thank so much!

  13. Gabriel Avatar

    I am giving a presentation on analytics.
    Can i use some your cartoons?
    Thank you very much!

  14. Sunil Kappal Avatar
    Sunil Kappal

    Hi Timo, I am giving a presentation on Predictive Analytics and its importance. May I have the permission to use your Turkey Predictive Analysis Cartoon. I would also like to congratulate you on creating such awesome cartoon themes.

    1. Timo Elliott Avatar


      I’m honored — please go ahead..

  15. Chuck Avatar

    Hello Timo,

    I am giving a presentation on Data Driven Decision Making and would like to use some your cartoons. Thank you!

    1. Timo Elliott Avatar

      Please go ahead…

  16. Saurabh Avatar

    Hello Tim,

    We release a quarterly business intelligence newsletter at our company. May I use your cartoons to add some humor?

    Thank you.

  17. Nitin Avatar

    HI Timo,

    Loved your cartoons a lot. simple but very meaningful. if you are ok I want to use couple of cartoons on my website.


  18. Selwyn Wies Avatar

    Doing a presentation on BI and would like to use one of your cartoons to open. Pls let me know if thats ok.

  19. jessica corazon nicolas Avatar
    jessica corazon nicolas

    like it. i hope to have some for download and for maximum use during my presentations to my co-teachers

  20. Ces Avatar

    Hi Tim,

    I’m currently preparing a material for a Marketing Exchange Event here in Manila. Please allow me to use some of the cartoons. Thanks!

  21. Josephine Avatar

    Tim I like these cartoons and can I use it for my presentation in an International Forum ?

    1. Timo Elliott Avatar

      Josephine — yes, please go ahead…

  22. Angie Temple Avatar
    Angie Temple

    Great stuff! I would love to use one of the cartoons in an upcoming internal sales enablement newsletter with your permission.


  23. Srini Reddy Avatar
    Srini Reddy

    Hi Tim, Great cartoons. With your permission, can I use some of these cartoons in my presentation?


  24. Janani Raghu Avatar

    Hi timo,

    Wonderful cartoons. May i use some of them in our presentations?

  25. Rebecca Siele Avatar
    Rebecca Siele

    Tim, these cartoons are great. Mind if I use them alongside some content for Avention Inc. about big data when posting to social media (with credit going to you, of course)?

  26. Michael Bowman Avatar
    Michael Bowman

    Hello Mr. Elliott. Very informative website, particularly for powerpoint novices like myself. I’m presenting at a compliance conference in Toronto on the use of data analytics in our compliance work, and would love to post some of your cartoons throughout the presentation. Would that be acceptable to you? Thanks.

  27. Aditi Sahasrabudhe Avatar
    Aditi Sahasrabudhe

    Hi, Liked these cartoons a lot. Would like to use few of them in our internal quarterly magazine TechTalk@KPIT. Can we have your permission?

  28. Krystal Patterson Avatar

    I LOVE these cartoons!! May I use them in upcoming newsletters, emails, social media and presentations?

  29. Nandini Guha Avatar
    Nandini Guha

    I would like to use some of your cartoons in one of our in-house workshops on BI. Please do let me know if it is ok with you.

    1. Timo Elliott Avatar

      Nandini — please go ahead…

  30. […] By Timo Elliott, from: […]

  31. […] By Timo Elliott, from: […]

  32. Maria Taylor Avatar
    Maria Taylor

    Timo, I love these cartoons – Can I use some in a presentation that I am doing on Big Data ?

  33. Maria Taylor Avatar
    Maria Taylor

    Love these cartoons – Can I use some in a presentation that I am doing on Big Data ?

    1. Timo Elliott Avatar

      Maria, please do!

  34. Jan Gordon Avatar

    We are developing a social analytics tool and write many articles about Big Data – I would love to be able to use your cartoons in our posts and to post them on my social media networks as needed. We will be doing an eBook and might want to use them.

    ,Having said all of this, we have a team of writers who create articles for big brands, there may come a time where they might want to use one of these cartoons – please let me know if this is ok.

    Last but not least, I may ask you to create some original cartoons for us or our clients in the future, is this something you might be interested in?



  35. […] By Timo Elliott, from: […]

  36. Kyle Walworth Avatar

    Great comics Timo! I would love to use one or two of these in a conference presentation for Automotive Megatrends.

    1. Timo Elliott Avatar

      Kyle, I’m honored, please do…

  37. Heni Jallouli Avatar
    Heni Jallouli

    Hi Tom,

    Well Done !
    Very intersting cartoons,
    Could I use some of your cartoons in some marketing material regarding Business Intelligence ?

    Thanks in advance,


    1. Timo Elliott Avatar

      Heni, yes, please do…

  38. […] By Timo Elliott, from: […]

  39. Cons Yap Avatar
    Cons Yap

    Hi Mr Elliot,

    I was formerly a Dean for the College of Computer Studies from the University of the East, Manila, Philippines. I’m being invited by a group of Information Systems students to conduct a seminar on Business Intelligence this coming April 2014. Can I seek your permission in using the cartoons during my presentation? Thank you.

  40. […] By Timo Elliott, from: […]

  41. John Serrano Avatar

    Hilarious and gets the point across. Would love to share these with my audience during an up coming data symposium conference.

  42. Tony Tissot Avatar
    Tony Tissot

    I love these cartoons!


  43. Jeff Camm Avatar

    Great cartoons! I would love to use some of these in my presentation at the INFORMS Analytics Conference in Boston. Please advise.

    Jeff Camm

    1. Timo Elliott Avatar

      Jeff — please go ahead!

  44. Norman Annette Avatar

    Hi Tom,

    Great work, very much LOL material!

    Could I use some of your cartoons in some marketing material I’m creating around the topic of Business Intelligence for IT departments?

    Regards, Norman

  45. Grant Halloran Avatar

    Hi Timo,
    great cartoons! I’m doing a presentation in the UK at a customer experience event for FS and would love to use one or two to illustrate a point. full disclosure of source will occur. Could i have your permission please?
    regards, Grant

  46. Sam February Avatar

    I am currently designing business inteligence courses for managers and executives. I have a chapter that focusses on Data quality and the importance there off.

    I came across this blog as I was looking for cartoons to add to my course material . I would like your permission to use these cartoons in my material.


    1. Timo Elliott Avatar


      Yes, please feel free!

  47. […] Cartoon posted with the kind permission of Timo Elliott  […]

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