Innovation Evangelism
What does AI think is a good analogy for a Business Data Fabric?
What is a good analogy for a data fabric?
What’s hard about AI? Operations!
What’s hard about #AI? It’s not creating the models or doing the data science—it’s actually making it part of an operational process.
WILL ChatGPT Unleash The Power of Business Coders To Do More Innovation?
ChatGPT enables people to create code without having to write it from scratch. Are we on the brink of another revolution, letting business people do more innovation themselves?
Powerful Video Summaries, Powered by AI
I just tried out to sum up a keynote session, and the results are impressive! It provides both an overall summary and section-by-section details, with direct video links to any part that people might be interested in finding more about.
SAP Helps Apple Innovate With SAP Business Technology Platform
SAP helped Apple slash innovation cycles by 40% says Bob Evans of Cloud Wars
AI Pattern-Matching for Personalized Health
AI/ML is very good at pattern-matching, and that’s a good fit for personalized medicine.
The Future of Composable Business
Composable business means creating an organization made from interchangeable building blocks. How does technology fit in? SAP Evangelist Paul Saunders explains…
A New Business Model for a Midsize Business: Fresh Air As A Service
New cloud platform technologies have unleashed new opportunities for business model innovation. Midsize companies, in particular, can leverage their deep understand of their customer needs to go beyond providing products or simple transactional services, and instead introduce more value-added solutions on a subscription basis. ActoVent in Germany is a great example of this trend, and…
10 Steps To Creating a Presentation
Some tips on how I go about finding and using content for presentations as an Innovation Evangelist
A Futuristic Vision For The Middle East?
A future vision of the middle east, with some help from AI?