Innovation Evangelism
AI Pattern-Matching for Personalized Health
AI/ML is very good at pattern-matching, and that’s a good fit for personalized medicine.
The Future of Composable Business
Composable business means creating an organization made from interchangeable building blocks. How does technology fit in? SAP Evangelist Paul Saunders explains…
A New Business Model for a Midsize Business: Fresh Air As A Service
New cloud platform technologies have unleashed new opportunities for business model innovation. Midsize companies, in particular, can leverage their deep understand of their customer needs to go beyond providing products or simple transactional services, and instead introduce more value-added solutions on a subscription basis. ActoVent in Germany is a great example of this trend, and…
10 Steps To Creating a Presentation
Some tips on how I go about finding and using content for presentations as an Innovation Evangelist
A Futuristic Vision For The Middle East?
A future vision of the middle east, with some help from AI?
Podcast: The Importance of Innovation in a Post-COVID Era
SAP ANZ Podcast discussing why businesses should be innovating to combat global disruptions, with some examples of how businesses are benefiting from their innovation projects
Putting the Business Back Into Business Innovation
Everybody wants to innovate faster, to be more agile, to be able to react quickly to changes in today’s uncertain business environments. So how do organizations do that? Well, innovation has to mean business!
When it comes to sustainability, we have leverage!
As an individual, I don’t feel like I can do much to help head off the climate crisis. But I do have one hope: as a representative of a company, I have a chance to do more than I can alone.
Top Opportunities for SAP Partners in 2023
This week I was in Dubai for the latest edition of the SAP Partner Innovation Meeting. My role was to talk about the trends and opportunities for 2023, for customers, SAP, and our partners. I believe there are three interlinked areas that will provide the biggest opportunities for the year to come.
One Click Innovation: More Magic Needed
The power of artificial intelligence is showing us what the prescriptive future of computer systems should look like.