Tag: BusinessObjects
Data Democracy vs. Data Anarchy: Governed Data Discovery
Technology changes but the need for tradeoffs between the rights of the individual and the rights of the community as a whole remain. The new “governed data discovery” is just the next wave of “information democracy”: threading an uncertain path between “information dictatorship” and “information anarchy”
Gartner BI & Analytics Market Shares 2013
Gartner announces BI & Analytics Market Shares for 2013. SAP remains clear leader with 21.3%, growing faster than nearest competitors.
What You Need to Know About Cloud Analytics
If you are an analytics professional, then cloud analytics is in your future — here’s what you should know
Agile Analytics
Agility is perhaps the biggest challenge and opportunity in analytics today. Watch this discussion of what it means to your business.
Interview: The Big Trends in Predictive
I caught up with Shekhar Iyer, Global VP of Business Intelligence and Predictive Analytics for SAP, and asked him to predictive the future of predictive.
The Future of Customer Analytics
The latest trends in how analytics can help optimize the customer experience — and retailer profits.
Come Join Us At The SAP UK Innovation Forum
Join us at our first UK and Ireland SAP Innovation Forum on Tuesday, 11th March 2014, in London
Dulux Group Wins Gartner BI Excellence Award for Mobile BI Dashboards
Dulux Group won Gartner’s coveted “BI Excellence Award” for their Mobile BI Dashboard implementation
The NSA’s Data Quality Problem
Even basic data quality problems can have big consequences, as the NSA learned to its cost.