Tag: BusinessObjects
The Human Face of Big Data
At SAPPHIRE NOW, Photographer Rick Smolen gave compelling examples of how Big Data is changing people’s lives
SAP BusinessObjects BI 4.1 General Availability
Just before the SAPPHIRE NOW conference, SAP announced the Release to Customer (RTC) of SAP BusinessObjects BI 4.1, Edge BI 4.1 and Crystal Server 2013. Here are the highlights.
Why You Need An In-Memory Action Plan
Gartner VP and Distinguished Analyst Donald Feinberg explains why you should have an in-memory action plan, and how to create one.
Why In-Memory Computing Is Cheaper And Changes Everything
Gartner VP and Distinguished Analyst Donald Feinberg explain the myths and realities of in-memory computing
Associative Analytics with SAP Lumira
“Associative Analytics” is easy with SAP Lumira. What is it, and how does it work?
#GartnerBI and Big Data: Fear, Loathing, and Business Breakthroughs
At the Gartner Business Intelligence and Analytics EMEA Summit in Barcelona, everybody agreed that: big data is a terrible term, but it’s a big deal, and results in big changes to business opportunities
Analytics in Malaysia
The second leg of the SAP Analytics Tour took place in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Here’s a summary of the event, including interviews with Charles Gadalla and Robin Fong.
BI in Barcelona, Scary Big Data, Cool 3D Analytics and More
Another analytics round up – what’s going on in the analytics world this week? Gartner BI and Analytics Summit: Nos Vemos en Barcelona! A host of SAP Analytics folks will be in Barcelona next week for the Gartner BI and Analytics Summit. Jason Rose will be presenting with Mark Cooper of British American Tobacco…
What’s Missing? Game-Changing! Visualize That! You Get What You Pay For
What’s Missing From Your BI? This week? Two things: First, a real understanding of how people create and use information, according to a Harvard Business Review article entitled Why IT fumbles Analytics Second, Forrester analyst Boris Evelson says you should have BI on BI (SAP BusinessObjects supports the types of analysis cited, and Information Steward…
Exploring The New World
It’s a brave new big-data world out there – and tools like SAP BusinessObjects Explorer mobile let you explore it (no matter what era you grew up in).