
More Analytics Cartoons

[This is a follow on to the Analytics Cartoon page]

Please feel free to use these cartoons in your presentations, university courses, books etc, for free, as long as you drop me a line to let me know what you have planned (telliott at timoelliott dot com),

Top cartoon page here, including links to analytics cartoons,  more analytics cartoons, yet more analytics cartoons and artificial intelligence cartoons,  marketing cartoonssocial cartoonsinnovation cartoons, sustainability cartoons, work frustration cartoons, other cartoons.

Data is the new oil? Absolutely! Toxic if mishandled…

Cartoon: Data is the new oil? Absolutely -- toxic if mishandled!

Are we really ready for the consequences of networked home appliances and the Internet of Things?

Internet of things cartoon: "Bad news -- the scale is threatening to cut off our access to the fridge"

What will happen when preventative maintenance meets health?!

IOT cartoon: predictive maintenance for health : "henry, it's for you, apparently your heart is about to fail!"

Are you still torturing your data? There’s a better way:

Analytics Cartoon: torturing the data "if you don't reveal some insights soon, I'm going to be forced to slice, dice, and drill!"

What is a data scientist?

Cartoon: what is a data scientist? a data scientist is a business analyst that lives in california

Data scientists are the new rock stars:

Cartoon: data scientists are the new rock stars.

Careful your data lake doesn’t turn into a data swamp:

Cartoon: from data lake to data swamp

And make sure your various analytic efforts don’t turn into “data puddles“:

we call them our data puddles cartoon

Big data marketing can be creepy:

marketing analytics cartoon: "my life is being tracked by big data marketers and all I got is this lousy t-shirt"

What chance does data have?!

Cartoon: opinions are stronger than data. "you may well have data, but I have strong opinions, and I pay your wages!"

It doesn’t take a fortune teller to know that Predictive Analytics is the future.

Predictive analytics cartoon: why the change from fortune teller? Well, I could see where the future was going... "

Big Data might well be important for your next job:

Big Data Cartoon: "I didn't get the promotion -- apparently my data wasn't big enough"

What’s the real business benefit of in-memory processing?

Cartoon on in-memory processing. The benefits is now you can change your mind even faster!

The problem with most analytics is that it’s not fast enough

Cartoon: the problem with most analytics is that it comes too late

Hadoop is great — although they sometimes seem like they’re reinventing the wheel:

Cartoon on reinventing the wheel with hadoop

Finance isn’t sure about Hadoop, either:

Cartoon: finance here, we're not sure about this hadoop thing -- could you just dump it all into Excel for us?"

Are you making the most of your dark data?

Dark Data in the Cellar

How much could YOUR organization save if you had reliable, consistent information?

we waste 2 million arguing

Cartoon: money wasted on getting the right figures. I say it's 2M a year. No! I say it's only 1M.

Never let anybody tell you that failure is not an option…

failure was an option

Here’s one way to optimize data warehousing performance!

How to Optimize Your Data Warehouse Performance

What’s next in Big Data? Well, I daringly predict that there will be more of it…

Data Privacy is important… please help.

You want my metadata 608

A lot of analytics just seems completely made up:

bad news statistics

Use the right technology for the right type of analytics…

I'm just not that into you

Who’s data is it?


So you think YOUR definition of Big Data is the only correct one? Go jump in a data lake…


Are you SURE you want to complain about data privacy?

Some think that artificial intelligence is the next “killer feature”

This self-driving car has a killer feature

We all need help justifying our opinions, right?


Do you spend too much time debating what terms mean in analytics, and not enough time actually dealing with problems?!

Data is the new currency of business?!

The three Vs of big data? (Volume, Velocity, Variety). All your boss cares about is the 4Ms — Make Me More Money!

Cartoon: The only Big Data letters I care about are the four Ms -- make me more money!

I don’t like those facts… do you have any others?!

Are you so busy trying to build the perfect analytics infrastructure that you don’t actually spend time helping people with analytics?!

Analytics charts to take to a desert island?!

You can lead a boss to data, but you can’t make him think!


So far, our Big Data investments have just made your stupidity more scalable!


Are your analytics folks so incompetent that they can’t even juggle the numbers properly?!

“Your way sounds data-driven and rational. But I’m not!”

We already tried using facts — so now it’s time for a different approach!

How real-world executives often react to their new dashboards!

The data may well be on your side — but that might not be enough!

Executives can only avoid bad news for so long…

Next time your boss asks for a breakdown of the numbers?

It’s important to tell stories with your data and dashboards!

“Gut feel” has a long history in analytics! Are you doing it right, though?

Here’s the only speed-related metric that executives care about!

What’s the point of a data lake? It’s so you can drown in data even faster!

How the average analytics system works…

What most analytic architectures look like — shiny front end, horrible plumbing!

Is innumeracy a real problem in analytics?!

A heat map to keep you warm, some pie chart and a donut chart to eat, sipping your bar chart drinks while sitting at a data table, illuminated by the soft glow of the candlestick chart as the waterfall chart gurgles behind you… what more could you want?

Hybrid? Best-of-breed? Or just ugly?!

I have NEVER seen an organization that overinvested in data quality as part of their analytics projects — it’s ALWAYS a “surprise” about how much extra time and effort it takes than planned…

Modern politics (and business?)

Cartoon: facts are obsolete -- now it's just about whether I can get away with it!

Go back to the earlier Analytics Cartoons


82 responses to “More Analytics Cartoons”

  1. Zulena Trishal Rao Avatar
    Zulena Trishal Rao

    Great cartoons, may I use them for my Client’s social media pages

  2. Dwayne Richards Avatar
    Dwayne Richards

    Great and funny images. Can I use with your permission?

  3. Karen Ortega Avatar
    Karen Ortega

    Hi Timo!
    I love your cartoons, could I use it for an internal presentation in my job?

    Thanks a lot!

    1. Timo Elliott Avatar

      Karen, thanks for asking! Please go ahead…


    Great cartoons! May I use a few for meetings with my client ?

    1. Timo Elliott Avatar

      Niranjan, please go ahead…

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