Innovation Evangelism
Cartoon: How Are Your Big Data Job Prospects?
Do you have enough data to optimize your career?
Cartoon: The Perils of Business Innovation
Innovation? no, we already tried that.
The Way Forward is Simple
The biggest barrier to business innovation in today’s world is IT complexity — but new technologies make it easier to “run simple”
Business Innovation in Difficult Economic Times
Even when business conditions are hard there are always some companies doing well — the key is to use the latest technology to turn the biggest market challenges to your advantage.
Thoughts on Business Innovation in Croatia
I presented at the SAP Forum in Zagreb this week. Here is a Q&A with my answers to questions from SAPMag Croatia.
The Future of Finance SketchNote
Sketchnote of the “Future of Finance” keynote presentation by Kai Finck, Senior VP, Office of the CFO Financials, at the SAPInsider Financials2014 event in Nice, France.
Creating the Platform for Innovation
Keynote from the SAPInsider Conference in Nice, France. SAP wants to help its customers make their business faster, smarter, and simpler, with the SAP HANA platform.
Data Democracy vs. Data Anarchy: Governed Data Discovery
Technology changes but the need for tradeoffs between the rights of the individual and the rights of the community as a whole remain. The new “governed data discovery” is just the next wave of “information democracy”: threading an uncertain path between “information dictatorship” and “information anarchy”
The First Ever Business Intelligence Project
In the buzz around Big Data, it’s worth remembering that analytics is as old as business computing itself. In 1953, LEO (short for Lyons Electronic Office) was the first computer in the world used to manage a business – and for the first ever analytics applications.
Gartner BI & Analytics Market Shares 2013
Gartner announces BI & Analytics Market Shares for 2013. SAP remains clear leader with 21.3%, growing faster than nearest competitors.