Innovation Evangelism
Q&A: Self-Service vs Traditional Business Intelligence
What’s the difference between “self-service” and “traditional” business intelligence?
Cartoon: Analytics Reinvention
New technologies like Hadoop are reinventing analytics…
Cartoon: The Business Benefit of In-Memory Processing
The big business benefit of in-memory isn’t what you might think!
SAP HANA Brings ROI of over 500% for University of Kentucky
SAP HANA isn’t expensive. It’s not just for extreme data speeds. It’s simply a cheaper, better way of doing analytics.
Hadoop Summit Amsterdam 2014: Crossing The Chasm
Presenters at the Hadoop Summit said Hadoop 2.0 has helped the technology “cross the chasm”, and predicted a big wave of production deployments this year.
No, Hadoop Isn’t Going To Replace Your Data Warehouse
The data says that Hadoop isn’t going to replace your enterprise data warehouse. Here’s why.
Cartoon: What Chance Does Data Have?
What chance does data have when faced with strong opinions?! Some tips…
What You Need to Know About Cloud Analytics
If you are an analytics professional, then cloud analytics is in your future — here’s what you should know
Thoughts on The Future of Hadoop in Enterprise Environments
Here are some thoughts on “the elephant in the room” — how Hadoop will fit in with enterprise architectures in the future.
Cartoon: Predictive? It’s the Future…
It doesn’t take a fortune teller to realize that predictive analytics is the future…