Innovation Evangelism
Are You Making The Most of Your Dark Data?
Do you have any ‘dark data’ in your cellar? Here are some places to look…
Gartner BI and Collective Insight
Interview with Jason Rose on moving beyond “self-centered” self-service BI to Collective Insight
Top Trends in Cloud Innovation
Interview with Sven Denecken on the latest trends in cloud computing.
Agile Analytics
Agility is perhaps the biggest challenge and opportunity in analytics today. Watch this discussion of what it means to your business.
Analytics Cartoon Caption Contest
Results of the first Analytics Cartoon Caption Contest
Interview: Big Data Trends
The latest trends in Big Data with Irfan Khan of SAP
Cartoon: The Value of Reliable Information
How much could YOUR organization save if you had reliable, consistent information?
Interview: What’s Required For Real Business Innovation?
Gerrit Kotze, a Business and Innovation Architect at SAP will be presenting a session on The Principles and Practices of Effective Innovation Management at the SAP Innovation Forum in London on March 11th. I caught up with him by phone to hear more.
Cartoon: Design Thinking
Design Thinking is all the rage. Here’s where you can find out more.