Tag: Reporting
The Art and Science of FP&A Storytelling
With advanced analytics, flexible dashboarding and effective data visualization, FP&A storytelling has become both an art and science. Here are some top tips and tricks for success.
Analytics Semantic Wars, Basta!
Why it’s critical for everybody to use my definition of key terms like Big Data. Not.
The Vast Majority of Analytics is Still Reporting (And That’s Not So Bad)
Despite the growth in self-service data discovery, reporting remains stubbornly popular in organizations around the world — and that’s not such a bad thing…
Beware of Power Users
Analytics teams know they need to work on more agile methodologies, with close contacts in the business. But they shouldn’t just rely on the views of power users.
IDC Web Seminar on The Future of Cloud Analytics
What’s the future of cloud analytics? Find out in this web seminar with guest Dan Vesset of IDC
BI is Dead
This year, despite BI continuing to be the #1 priority for CIOs, Gartner has been using recent BI Summit keynotes to proclaim that BI is dead. Why?
SAP HANA, Hadoop & Spark at Coca Cola East Japan
At the #HANA2016 conference this week, Coca-Cola East Japan explained how the company uses a modern BI platform with SAP HANA, Hadoop, and SAP Lumira to provide powerful analytics and support new business models.
Data Democracy vs. Data Anarchy: Governed Data Discovery
Technology changes but the need for tradeoffs between the rights of the individual and the rights of the community as a whole remain. The new “governed data discovery” is just the next wave of “information democracy”: threading an uncertain path between “information dictatorship” and “information anarchy”
The First Ever Business Intelligence Project
In the buzz around Big Data, it’s worth remembering that analytics is as old as business computing itself. In 1953, LEO (short for Lyons Electronic Office) was the first computer in the world used to manage a business – and for the first ever analytics applications.