Tag: Business Intelligence
Give us Feedback on our Innovation Center Prototypes
Whether or not you can physically come to one of our SAPPHIRE NOW events in Orlando or Frankfurt, you can give us feedback about our latest products and prototypes: business intelligence, in-memory, mobile BI, sustainability products, and much more.
The Essential Guide to BI @ SAP SAPPHIRE NOW
Even if BusinessObjects is your only SAP product, there’s going to be plenty of material that will interest you at the SAP SAPPHIRE NOW events (held simultaneously in Frankfurt and Orlando, May 17-19th), and there’s still time to register.
Nordic SAP BusinessObjects BI Butterfly Events
Join me for the free SAP BusinessObjects Nordic Business Intelligence Forum events, to get an overview of the latest news and trends in BI, EIM, PM, and GRC.
Istanbul SAP BusinessObjects BI Forum Keynote
Download the presentation given at the SAP BusinessObjects BI Forum in Istanbul, Turkey
Stunning Business Intelligence Visualizations… from 1870
As any reader of Edward Tufte knows, data visualization has been around a long time. Here’s some nice examples from the 1870 US census.
How to Build a Billion-Dollar European Software Company
How BusinessObjects became the first “European Silicon Valley startup”, growing from zero to a billion dollars, by Bernard Liautaud
Season’s Greetings with Xcelsius!
Season’s Greetings with an Interactive, Twitter-based Xcelsius Dashboard
What’s New in SAP BusinessObjects Xcelsius 2008 SP3?
Here’s a summary of some of the new things in the latest features and components in SAP BusinessObjects Xcelsius 2008 SP3
SAP BusinessObjects Explorer for iPhone Now Available on Apple AppStore!
The iPhone version of SAP BusinessObjects Explorer from the SAP BusinessObjects Innovation Center was released today on the Apple iStore, available as a free download. Description, screen shots, and demonstration video